It's no secret that we here at Retro of the Week love our Dreamcast games. Either in their natural habitat or ported to other, more successful consoles, the Dreamcast had a huge library of great games. One of those beloved titles is Ikaruga, an extremely fast vertical arcade shooter with a rather interesting play concept. Instead of just shooting at everything you see, and avoiding obstacles, you have to switch the polarity of your ship to either destroy opposite colored enemies, or absorb similar colored weapons to charge your own. The game play is fast, hard, and fun.
But what if I were to tell you that soon, Ikaruga will be available on PC through Steam? That's just what the group over at RetroCollect told us last week, and we can't be more excited about it! Although it hasn't been officially approved, Ikaruga is currently on Steam Greenlight, and judging by the positive reaction, it would probably be a safe bet.
Of course, if you don't want to wait, there are a myriad of other ways you can get your hands on the game now. You could try to find a GameCube or Dreamcast copy, or buy it on XBLA, find it in an arcade, or, you can always buy the game on Android.
As for me, I think I'll have to pull out my copy and write up a full review, since, even though it was just a re-release, Ikaruga is one of the best games on the GameCube.