There isn't exactly a clear line of separation between "classic" and "modern" shooters, but if I had to choose one, it would be 2001's Halo: Combat Evolved. (Other people would probably choose Half Life). In any case, Halo clearly marks the beginning of the popularity of the so-callled "military shooter." Before this point, it was mostly about being a lone fighter, fending off countless enemies. But now suddenly, you're a part of a larger fighting force, a military. Again as I said, there is no clear line of separation, so this game definitely still holds onto some shooter staples of the past. However, the things it brought to the table have stayed with the genre (especially on consoles) into today. If you are into console FPS, this game should mean a lot to you. Basically, Halo picked up the torch where Perfect Dark, another influential console shooter, left off.
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Why Halo there...
...That was stupid. Let me try that again.
I have just recently finished playing through the campaign of Halo 4, so I have decided to do a review of my experiences playing through that game. I am a big fan of the Halo franchise, in fact besides Metroid is probably my favorite video game series. Halo 3 was one of my favorites out of all of them, its balance between a solid campaign and a great multiplayer made it the best all around.
At the end of Halo 3 when I saw that Master Chief was orbiting around another planet I was eager to know where his journey was going to take him next. I was even more happy when they announced another Halo game, but it turned out to be Halo: Reach, which was an exceptional game, But there was no Master Chief to be found.
Now, fast forward to November 6, 2012, Halo 4 is released on the Xbox 360, and I think to myself "Yes, back to the old. I can fight the Flood again, I get to find another Halo Installation, and I even get to meet the Forerunners, this will be great."
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