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Posted on 28 February, 2016 at 3:43PM
There isn't exactly a clear line of separation between "classic" and "modern" shooters, but if I had to choose one, it would be 2001's Halo: Combat Evolved. (Other people would probably choose Half Life). In any case, Halo clearly marks the beginning of the popularity of the so-callled "military shooter." Before this point, it was mostly about being a lone fighter, fending off countless enemies. But now suddenly, you're a part of a larger fighting force, a military. Again as I said, there is no clear line of separation, so this game definitely still holds onto some shooter staples of the past. However, the things it brought to the table have stayed with the genre (especially on consoles) into today. If you are into console FPS, this game should mean a lot to you. Basically, Halo picked up the torch where Perfect Dark, another influential console shooter, left off.
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Posted on 16 March, 2014 at 10:45PM
Let me take you back to the 90’s. Technology was fast advancing, you couldn’t buy a computer without it being obsolete immediately, and everyone in the gaming arena was trying to one-up eachother, be it by graphics, sound, or technology. Enter a company by the name of Rareware, known around this time for their graphical powerhouses Killer Instinct and Donkey Kong Country (which utilized pre-rendered graphics). They made games on the NES, sure, but they weren’t that well known here in the states. (I actually played Snake Rattle ‘N’ Roll as a kid. Anyone else? No?) However, during the SNES is where they really caught their stride. And then when the N64 came in, their hot streak continued. Lest we all forget all those excellent matches in 007 GoldenEye at our friends houses, not possible if it weren’t for Rare. Rare was amazing at taking a genre they hadn’t done before and conquering it. They did it with GoldenEye, they did it with Killer Instinct, they did it with Banjo Kazooie. But you’ve heard all this before; I hardly need to sing Rare’s praises (especially on a retro video gaming site), so let’s talk about my favorite Rareware title. Maybe not as groundbreaking as their other works, this game is Conker’s Bad Fur Day.
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Posted on 26 October, 2013 at 10:15PM
Let me preface this by saying I am not a fan of the Xbox One in any way. I honestly doubt I will be getting one for a long time, if at all. (I'm not a huge fan of the PS4 either.) However, I really think its too early to count the XB1 out yet.
Everyone seems to be currently losing their shit over the fact that the Xbox One seemingly can't do 1080p as well as the PS4. However, I submit to you that this will not matter in the long run. In the technology world we have something known as a killer app. In the long run I believe it will be the software that sells consoles, not the hardware. Let's take a look at some history, shall we? Rarely ever does the most powerful console gain more sales than its competition. There are exceptions to this (for instance, the Super Nintendo).
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