I remember when I first heard about Sega leaving the console hardware business. I was so confused! Sega had always been the counter to Nintendo. Nintendo made consoles, Sega made consoles, but now there were going to be Sega games on Nintendo consoles! For anyone who grew up in the 90’s, this was crazy news. We learned in hindsight, that Sega of Japan was ran by a group of rabid monkeys or something. Purposefully sabotaging their company due to their jealousy over the success of Sega of America. I can’t think of any other reason for the disastrous handling of the Sega Saturn here in the states. Anyway, for whatever reason, Sega continued to make high quality games (let’s ignore most of the Sonic series here), and these are my favorites:
Posted on 10 April, 2016 at 09:30AM
Posted on 23 April, 2015 at 1:52PM
Like a lot of people here in the US, I missed out on the Sega Saturn when it was still in production. As a kid, I always wondered what games I was missing out on, since we had a PlayStation. I was a huge fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog games on Sega Genesis, and seeing how the Saturn was also a Sega console, I thought I was missing out on some cool Sonic games. Turns out that, well, I really wasn't. The only game I really missed out for years was Sonic Jam, which was just a compilation of the original Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog titles, with a small 3D level to explore thrown in. (Interestingly, I've heard that this 3D level was the result of a game Sonic Team was working on, that eventually became Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast.) The only other two Sonic games for Saturn I played on PC; Sonic 3D Blast and, of course, Sonic R.
Posted on 31 March, 2014 at 11:01PM
Since the whole retro of the week thing wasn't working out, I decided to go back to the first site I created. We will now be dedicated to all Sonic content, all the time! I hope you enjoy the new/old site. Please be patient while we transition over.
Posted on 28 July, 2013 at 8:04PM
1996 was an awkward time for video games. 3D was the huge new thing, and everyone had to adapt or die. Some franchises made the jump quite well (see: Mario), some didn't do so to well (see: Castlevania). Sure new IPs came along much well suited to this 3D thing, but we what we really wanted was our favorite characters to make the jump. In '96 Sonic made the 'jump' to 3D... on the Genesis. The problem with this is in order to be '3D' on the genesis, is it had to be in an isometric view and imply depth instead of actually have it. Sega used this technique back in the 80's with Zaxxon. Later on Sega ported this game to the saturn with enhanced graphics, and that version was ported to the PC. I'll mention the differences as they come.
Posted on 29 September, 2012 at 1:41PM
I love to play things created by the fans; fans truly know what makes a game series great, even if the original creators do not. Which brings us to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise... Not doing so well overall in recent times. However, the fans of this series have made some pretty stand out stuff. This is why I am creating Fan Works - a series of articles dedicated to the works of fans. It won't be all Sonic stuff, either. But today, I have two special fan games: