Posted by Lazlo Falconi Posted on 13 October, 2013 at 9:53PM 0 0
Who loves the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker? I know I do, and I also have reason to believe the UK does too. But do you love it enough to make a clone and market it to the world? Jonathon and Sam of Ascension Games do, and so they've launched a Kickstarter campaign for Cornerstone: The Song of Tyrim.
Posted by Lazlo Falconi Posted on 11 October, 2013 at 9:59PM 0 0
It's no secret that we here at Retro of the Week love our Dreamcast games. Either in their natural habitat or ported to other, more successful consoles, the Dreamcast had a huge library of great games. One of those beloved titles is Ikaruga, an extremely fast vertical arcade shooter with a rather interesting play concept. Instead of just shooting at everything you see, and avoiding obstacles, you have to switch the polarity of your ship to either destroy opposite colored enemies, or absorb si
Posted by Lazlo Falconi Posted on 22 September, 2013 at 00:20AM 0 0
Oh wow guys. Just wow. Cashing in on In honor of the HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, wall decal manufacturer Blik, a design shop that I've never head of, has released a series of eight wall decals featuring our favorite cell-shaded hero (Viewtiful Joe and Sly Cooper notwithstanding). The decals are beautifully rendered to look like stained glass windows that would fit in perfectly with the feel of the (spoiler) sunken Kingdom of Hyrule. Perhaps my favorite part of this is that when I first read about these I thought, "What is Blik?" then noticed that their URL also asks the same question. My only regret is that even if I could buy them all, my apartment doesn't have enough wall space for all of them. See more after the break.
Posted by Lazlo Falconi Posted on 28 August, 2013 at 1:04PM 1 0
According to Engadget, Nintendo plans to release a new, cheaper handheld this fall, titled oh so cleverly the Nintendo 2DS, since it functions like a 3DS, but without the 3D aspect. First of all, isn't this a bit confusing? Will the general public, who Nintendo seems to be going after lately, be able to figure out that the Nintendo 2DS will play 3DS games? Will they even notice the difference?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of 3D, and it's probably the aspect of my 3DS that I care least about, but really Nintendo, this is more of a cop out that the DS Lite. At least that improved over the previous incarnation of the device. But this... First of all, it removes, really the defining feature of the device, and then gets rid of the handy-dandy clamshell design that protected the screens and has defined how handhelds look since 2003!
Posted by Billy Posted on 16 December, 2012 at 4:31PM 0 0
Thanks to the generosity of Lazlo, Quality Roms is now hosting Retro of the Week. What does this mean for RotW? Well, it means more up-time (my home connection is pretty lacking), and much more server load available (our old server was a Pentium 4 machine). Other than that, you should notice nothing different. Of course, please report any bugs you come across, I'd really appreciate it.
Posted by Billy Posted on 27 November, 2012 at 02:11AM 0 0
Billy here, maintainer/coder for this site. If you hadn't noticed there's a sidebar on the left now. Why did I do this? Well, a lot of our content is pretty hidden, but now more of it stands out. I actually planned a major re-design of the site, but all the tests I made turned out... less than optimal. As per usual, please let me know if there's any errors on your end. Also, please feel free to suggest (reasonable) features that you'd like to see. I programmed this site from scratch for a rea
Posted by Billy Posted on 28 October, 2012 at 5:49PM 0 0
Retro of the week now has a facebook page! Go check it out. Pretty soon here I'll be integrating some more soecial networking features into the site, all of which are to be determined.