Posted by Swifto Posted on 12 October, 2014 at 00:31AM 1 0
Tastes change, I try new stuff, and things slip my mind. I'm human.
This list is compiled at no discredit to my previous one. Rather, these entries rank alongside. Think of them both as one list, but each number has two games listed. The games listed here should be treated with just as much esteem as the others.
Posted by Lazlo Falconi Posted on 3 February, 2013 at 8:07PM 1 0
This site is getting a little bit too PC-loving. Come on guys, did we really need two Descent articles in a row? (The answer is obviously yes, but it's a rhetorical question.) What about the handheld love? What about... Metroid II: The Return of Samus.
In the far-flung futuristic year 20X5, the surprisingly not male Samus Aran is dispatched to perform a mass genocide on planet SR388, killing off every living creature she comes across. It is up to you stop this maniac at once make sure she performs her duties with the utmost precision!
Metroid II: The Return of Samus is an often overlooked game by Metroid fans, probably due to it's being nestled between the first game, and what is arguably the greatest side scrolling action game ever, Super Metroid. But Metroid II definitely does Metroid like no other Metroid does Metroid.
Posted by Swifto Posted on 26 January, 2013 at 6:48PM 1 0
I love this game.
I have old memories of my older brother playing it when I was very young. My family had just gotten a fancy IBM Aptiva computer with a 486 processor rated at a whopping 66mhz and a whole 4mb of RAM! (These were just numbers to me then. It wasn't until much later that I understood all that.)
Posted by Swifto Posted on 13 January, 2013 at 2:59PM 0 0
Axelay is a perfect game.
Now now, put down dem pitchforks. I could never say that a game is TRULY perfect. There's always a flaw and there's always improvements to be made. Nothing in life has ever been or ever will be perfect. But to use a loose definition of the word, and to keep in mind the time it was made, Axelay is indeed perfect.
Posted by Swifto Posted on 1 September, 2012 at 9:58PM 0 0
Ahhh the grand concept of exploration! One of my favourite gameplay elements ever.
And why shouldn't it be? Since time immemorial we as humans have always been skirting the boundary of the known to worlds beyond! This drive has not been lost to us, despite having our own world nearly completely charted and figured out. The last frontier on our world would be that of the ocean deep, where the water pressure is so unforgiveably powerful that it takes the best of engineering and grit to delve to that depth. I'm still waiting on a game that fairly realistically involves exploring deep oceans.
Until then, I'll keep playing space exploration games.
Posted by Swifto Posted on 5 August, 2012 at 09:36AM 0 0
Oh nostalgia, how you twist opinions.
Of course, given the subject of what I generally write about, naturally there's quite a lot of nostalgia blur going on. God, look at articles for Contra III and pretty much any Genesis game. Sheesh. What the fuck is with me and old games.