There isn't exactly a clear line of separation between "classic" and "modern" shooters, but if I had to choose one, it would be 2001's Halo: Combat Evolved. (Other people would probably choose Half Life). In any case, Halo clearly marks the beginning of the popularity of the so-callled "military shooter." Before this point, it was mostly about being a lone fighter, fending off countless enemies. But now suddenly, you're a part of a larger fighting force, a military. Again as I said, there is no clear line of separation, so this game definitely still holds onto some shooter staples of the past. However, the things it brought to the table have stayed with the genre (especially on consoles) into today. If you are into console FPS, this game should mean a lot to you. Basically, Halo picked up the torch where Perfect Dark, another influential console shooter, left off.
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Remember that Combat clone I was working on? Well now its not so crappy! Gameplay has been overhauled -- Gameplay has been sped up, and now you can actually win or lose. It also has graphics by Aaron Martinez, aka our own Metal_Kitty666, and they look pretty good. Timing issues have also been fixed. Try it out and tell me what you think in the comments.
Please be sure to read the included readme.txt file, and download it
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So as some people have pointed out RotW has been neglected as of late. There are many reasons for this, most of which is school. Aside from that, I've been working on a simple game: A remake (of sorts) of the Atari 2600 game Combat. The initial idea was to add online multiplayer, which is still happening, but is not included in this initial beta version. I encourage anyone and everyone to try it out and give me some feedback. Please read readme.txt first, though. All the
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