Posted by GamersTavern Posted on 7 May, 2014 at 7:01PM 1 0
This is very old news by this point, but I'd like to remind everyone that Nintendo is currently providing a special offer that allows you to get an additional game for free if you purchase Mario Kart 8. The offer in question only lasts between May 30, 2014 and July 31, 2014, so you must buy the game within that time frame to benefit. It should also be noted that a Club Nintendo account is required to take advantage of this offer, as you will need to register your copy of Mario Kart 8 on Ninte
Posted by Lazlo Falconi Posted on 8 April, 2014 at 11:15PM 2 0
Oh man oh man oh man. Was that Nintendo Direct cool or what?! First, I want to get something off my chest, though. I'm honestly a bit annoyed that they're releasing two different Smash Bros games at once. When the two were first announced, I held some hope that they'd be, essentially, the same game, with minor graphical changes, but this has proven to not be the case. Why, Nintendo? Why are you making us buy what is, for the most part, the same game, twice? This is worse, and more despicable than any DLC campaign I've ever seen. And nobody is talking about it. Why? I'd rather pay a couple dollars here and there for new stages over the years, than having to pay over $100 to get all the stages. And to top it off, at any given time, half of the available stages will be inaccessible in any given playing session. Nintendo, please. Please don't do this.
Posted by Billy Posted on 2 April, 2014 at 4:47PM 1 0
EDIT: This promotion is now over.
What a funny coincidence. The day after the Billy's Sonic Site april fools prank, Sonic CD is free for android on the amazon app store. This is a really fun game, if you like 2D platformers. A lot of Sonic fans say CD is their favorite in the whole series. For me, its in second place. This version has a Sonic 2 styled spindash, both soundtracks (US and JPN/EU), and you can even play as Tails after beating it. I highly recommend it. Again, this is the
Posted by Royale H. Duke Posted on 12 March, 2014 at 10:17PM 2 0
Kept you waiting, Huh?
Hey Retro of the Week readers! Join me live for a live play of Metal Gear Solid V:Ground Zeroes, the prologue to MGSV: The Phantom Pain as we commemorate the return of one of gaming's legendary stealth franchises and the return of Big Boss. I'll be playing live via Ustream from my PS4, answering questions and reveling in the glory of a new Metal Gear Solid title! It's sure to be a stealthy tension filled playthrough of one of my most anticipated g
Posted by Billy Posted on 12 March, 2014 at 6:24PM 2 0
Making sequels is probably pretty hard. I've never had to do it myself, but I can imagine. Especially when said game is pretty far into the franchise, and from a different developer. Probably one of the worst ways to handle this would be to essentially remake the last 'main' game in the franchise again. You've probably put together the pieces by now: That's exactly what Traveller's Tales did when they made Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex.
I have a long history with Crash Bandicoot. When I was only 5 years old, my dad came home with a Sony Playstation. One of the games he had gotten for it was the original Crash Bandicoot. Our whole family loved that game, and we even got the sequels. I have fond memories of my mom with the strategy guide for Crash 3 reading from it to my father, who was playing the game. The kids sat and watched. Can you imagine that? The kids sat and watched our dad play through the game! We all got our turns, of course, me probably more than anyone. My favorite was Crash Bandicoot 2. My friend Kyle and I played that one the most, and Kyle was really good at finding all the secrets without any help. I was amazed when he showed me the secret warp room in Crash 2, and how to get there. Crash 2 remains my favorite.
Posted by Lazlo Falconi Posted on 9 November, 2013 at 12:43AM 1 0
It doesn't matter where you preorder, right? It usually boils down to who has the best bundles, but yesterday, approximately 150 Target shoppers got a nice surprise in the form of an Xbox One! According to Kotaku, "Target had accidentally not assigned a release date," so when their shipments arrived from the manufacturer, Target did the responsible thing and sent them out.
So what did the lucky winners do? Just the obvious stuff, they attempted to sell them on eBay for ridiculous amounts, and posting unboxing videos on YouTube, which is a topic for another day--seriously, who cares about that? But Microsoft, in an unusually swift display of paying attention to its consumers, forced the YouTube videos to be taken down, and even banned at least one early adopter from Xbox Live.
All in all, it's a pretty hilarous story, from the company that's brought us one PR disaster after another, and I can't wait to see how this continues to develop.
Posted by Metal_Kitty666 Posted on 7 November, 2013 at 01:56AM 0 0
Disappointing games; everyone runs into one every once in awhile. Peoplw scream that one game or another is bad, but disappointing doesn't always mean bad. It means the game did not live up to the player's expectations. That is what this here article, post, thingy is about; disappointing games. To be more specific my top 10 most disappointing games, ever.
Posted by Lazlo Falconi Posted on 30 October, 2013 at 12:09AM 1 0
If you buy a lot of video games from Nintendo, and you're not taking part in Club Nintendo, you're wrong. The service offers a few great prizes, and goodies that aren't available anywhere else, and costs nothing more than the games you're already buying. One of the items Japanese Platinum members are lucky enough to find this year is a download for Advance Wars; Days of Ruin, which was unreleased in Japan.
Why does this matter to us? It probably doesn't. It's just interesting that a DS game has been converted to an eShop game after it went unreleased. Could we soon see DS games added to the Virtual Console? Probably not, but it's definitely something that could have a market.
Posted by Metal_Kitty666 Posted on 21 October, 2013 at 02:41AM 2 0
Ace of Spades, we all love Motorhead; I know I do. So, when I first watched the trailer to this game I was taken in by the fact that they were using Motorhead's famous Ace of Spades to accompany the gameplay. First of all, I loved that, that had me pretty much sold anyways and the gameplay looked pretty decent as well, it kind of seemed like a mix between Team Fortress 2, which is a game I love, and Minecraft, which is a game I have never pla
Posted by Lazlo Falconi Posted on 22 September, 2013 at 00:20AM 0 0
Oh wow guys. Just wow. Cashing in on In honor of the HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, wall decal manufacturer Blik, a design shop that I've never head of, has released a series of eight wall decals featuring our favorite cell-shaded hero (Viewtiful Joe and Sly Cooper notwithstanding). The decals are beautifully rendered to look like stained glass windows that would fit in perfectly with the feel of the (spoiler) sunken Kingdom of Hyrule. Perhaps my favorite part of this is that when I first read about these I thought, "What is Blik?" then noticed that their URL also asks the same question. My only regret is that even if I could buy them all, my apartment doesn't have enough wall space for all of them. See more after the break.